

(skype microsoft)一个人的时候,在沉默中和自己聊的很开心。


持续 years since its founding in 2005, Etsy has become a haven for手工制品 lovers. With over 100,000 sellers around the world, it's not just a market—it's a global marketplace that bridges buyers and sellers. For E stythe craft, it's like a bridge connecting different regions of the world. As we step into the future, what lies ahead for this revolutionary platform?


In 2005, Etsy was founded by brothers named Paul and Dave Loe. Paul started by creating wire frames to display their artwork on hardware stores in New York City, while Dave expanded his craft into a business that would soon operate in multiple cities. The two brothers realized that crafting wasn't just a hobby; it was an opportunity for global exchange. That's where Etsy emerged as the first marketplace dedicated entirely to手工制品.


At its inception, Etsy's mission was simple: Connect buyers and sellers to complete online transactions. But today, it's more than that. With over a million active users in six continents, it's not just about buying or selling—Etsy is the new economic model, bringing together people who might never have met face-to-face.


Today, you'll find on Etsy almost anything—a painted fence, a hand-painted canvas, even a digital painting. But how does this magic work? The technology behind it—like data analytics and machine learning—is the key to connecting people from all over the world.


In 2019, E sty launched its NextGen line of tools for selling handmade products directly to the browser. It became clear that while Etsy could sell art on physical platforms, it wasn't yet ready to handle the scale and diversity of global trade.


Microsoft's vision came to life when E sty expanded its services. By integrating AI-driven features like real-time data synchronization and predictive analytics, E sty ensured that all users could reach each other in real time, regardless of location or time zone.


Looking beyond Etsy, we see a trend where people from different countries come together to exchange their crafts. The platforms grow stronger with support from global tech companies like Microsoft. In the words of Paul Loe—a co-founder of E sty—A new future is brewing. And as technology advances, so will this unique marketplace.

此外,我们也要记住:手工制品的未来不仅在于商品本身。它是一个连接不同文化、地域和语言的平台,是全球贸易的新范式。E sty告诉我们,当手工与技术相遇,当连接建立在数字化的基础之上时,制作将不再是少数人的专利。


E sty's journey is a testament to how technology can transform communities. By bridging the gap between hands and machines, it makes trade possible for those who might have never met in person. As we continue to build on this new economic model, what emerges will be far more than tools—it'll be a new way of seeing and doing.

-- Paul Loe

  • 人在面对困境或不顺利的时候最重要的是一个意志,你要不断告诉自己是最好的,你要去训练,你要学东西,可能别人只花了一分辛苦,你可能要花十分,虽然这些都是老生常谈的道理,但的的确确是人生的真谛。